thumbnail TRM lesson plans levels 3 and 4
Ehara i te āporo - It’s not an apple

Ehara i te āporo - It’s not an apple

Te Reo Māori in English-medium schools

Achievement objective

3.2 Communicate, including comparing and contrasting, about habits and routines.

Learning intentions

Students can:

  • negate objects and people
  • use tēnei, tēnā and tērā to indicate distance from the speaker.


At the end of this lesson, students can:

Mātakitaki – Viewing: Identify and respond to some visual and verbal features of texts.

Kōrero – Speaking: Use generally appropriate pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation. Initiate and sustain short conversations.

Whakarongo – Listening: Get the gist of short oral texts that contain some unfamiliar language.


  • Flashcards of fruit or vegetables (made by teachers or students)
  • Flashcards of people (made by teachers or students) - or magazine pictures
Resource sheet 3I Ehara i te āporo

Te Reo Māori in English-medium schools

  • Resource-sheet-3I-Ehara-i-te-aporo.doc
  • 29 KB
Answer sheet 3I Ehara i te āporo

Te Reo Māori in English-medium schools

  • Answer-sheet-3I-Ehara-i-te-aporo.doc
  • 28 KB

Lesson sequence

Before this lesson, collect pictures of food for flashcards.

Ensure that each group of students has a set of 10 illustrations per food type (fruit, vegetables).

Introduce the word ‘ehara’ which is used to negate, for example: “That isn’t an apple.”

Display the flashcards and ask the students if the object actually is what you say it is. For example, hold up a picture of a banana and ask if it’s an apple:

He āporo tēnei?” - “Is this an apple?”
Ehara!” - “It isn’t!”

Repeat this using other objects.

When the students are confident using ‘ehara’, encourage them to add the noun to the answer, for example: Ehara i te āporo. It’s not an apple.

Have the students continue working with the flashcards until they are familiar with ‘ehara i te...’

Complete Resource sheet 3I. Check on Answer sheet 3I.

Illustrate how to negate when discussing people.

Ko Tere tērā? - Is that Tere?
Ehara tērā i a Tere! - That’s not Tere! 
He pirihimana a Tui? - Is Tui a policeman?
Ehara a Tui i te pirihimana. - Tui isn't a policeman.

Using flashcards of people (or magazine pictures), get the sudents to ask and answer questions about people - to practise the negative 'ehara'.

Suggested language focus Suggested vocabulary Notes

Indefinite article


he āporo

he panana

Used to introduce nouns
For example: an apple

a banana



Ehara i te āporo

Ehara i a Winitana

i te - for objects

It’s not an apple

i a - for people

It’s not Winston

Modifying particle

He ārani kē

Ko Winitana kē!

It’s an orange (instead)

It’s Winston (instead)!

Definitive pronoun



tēnei, tēnā, tērā

ēnei, ēnā, ērā

For example, he āporo tēnei

tēnei - this (near speaker)

tēnā – that (near person spoken to)

tērā – that (away from speaker and person being spoken to)


Māori would not use real kai for this activity as it is meant for eating.


The students could stand on opposite sides of the room and name objects or people correctly or incorrectly, responding with ‘ehara’.

Further learning

Introduce ‘kē’, ‘tēnei’, ‘tēnā’ and ‘tērā’. For example:

He āporo tēnei? - Is this an apple?
Ehara tēnā i te āporo - That’s not an apple.
He aha kē tēnei? - Then what is this? 
He ārani kē tēnā - That’s an orange.

Note that the orange is located near the first speaker.

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